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Return of Investment Calculator

The benefits of using retorio to enhance your L&D strategies

Retorio's platform takes this to the next level by leveraging artificial intelligence to provide personalized feedback and insights into each individual employee's behavior. This allows L&D professionals to target the areas where they need the most improvement and create customized training programs that will have the greatest impact.

Retorio's platform provides detailed analytics and reporting capabilities that allow you to measure the ROI of your L&D investments and make data-driven decisions about future training initiatives. This helps you ensure that your L&D budget is being spent in the most effective way possible and provides you with the evidence you need to justify future investments in employee development.


Here's how the process typically works:

1. Step
Employee recording: Employees are asked to record a video of themselves speaking about a specific topic or performing a task. This video is then analyzed by Retorio's AI algorithms.

2. Step
Behavioral analysis: Retorio's AI algorithms analyze the video and provide insights into the employee's behavior, including communication skills, body language, and leadership potential.

3. Step
Personalized feedback: Based on the results of the behavioral analysis, Retorio provides the employee with personalized feedback and recommendations for improvement. This feedback can be used to inform the creation of customized training programs that address specific areas of improvement.



Customized training: With the insights and feedback provided by Retorio, organizations can create customized training programs that target specific areas of improvement for each employee. This allows them to provide training that is tailored to the individual needs of each employee, leading to more effective and efficient training.



Measuring ROI: Retorio's platform provides detailed analytics and reporting capabilities that allow organizations to measure the ROI of their training initiatives and make data-driven decisions about future training programs. This helps ensure that L&D budgets are being spent in the most effective way possible.

Overall, Retorio's video-based behavioral intelligence platform provides a unique and effective way to train employees, allowing organizations to improve employee skills and performance while also demonstrating a strong ROI for their L&D initiatives.

Retorio's video-based behavioral intelligence platform can provide your employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, while also demonstrating a strong ROI for your L&D initiatives. This will not only benefit your employees and your company, but it will also position you as a leader in the field of employee development. 

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