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Spot winning behavioral patterns with video-based culture assessment

Reveal traits & behaviors that drive performance, quantify your organizational culture & feel the pulse of your organization

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Retorio's Culture assessment dashboard

Reveal traits & behaviors that drive performance

Why do some teams perform better than others? Why do some of your sales people close one deal after another while others struggle? By matching the results of our behavioral analysis with performance data we reveal hidden success factors for you. Know the winning behaviors that drive performance.

Little dashboards showing candidates

Quantify culture & feel the pulse of your organization

Conventional culture assessments rely on abstract questionnaires. With Retorio you bring your culture to life and you learn to "read between the lines". Invite your people to talk about their daily lifes in your organization. Get a personal and authentic picture of your organization and increase retention by understanding the people within your culture.

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Obtain meaningful & data-driven insights for all talent management decisions

We do not just analyze personality and behavior - we put it into the context of your organization and its cultural requirement. Align your hiring goals with your culture and performance drivers. Benchmark candidates against your best people and predict how well they will fit into your team. Develop winning behaviors across your organization.

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Science-based: A proven way to understand your organizational culture

Organizational culture reflects behavioral patterns and attitudes lived through members of an organization (e.g., individuals, groups, teams, etc.). We employ one of the most dominant and well researched taxonomies of culture (cf. O'Reilly III et al.). Our culture model is aligned with the Big 5 Personality Model. Each of our seven facets of culture is connected to one or several Big-5 traits. Connecting personality with culture enables us to predict culture fit and job satisfaction for each employee and applicant

Peoples inside blue stars

Making culture assessments easy

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Capture your team on video and learn what makes your people tick

SPOT Culture Asssessment Retorio2


Quantify your culture with AI-powered behavioral intelligence of all aggregated videos

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Identify winning behaviors across your organization & be empowered to lead successful culture transformation

Power up your culture transformation, discover winning behaviors in your organization, hire for behavior & develop soft skills further in training and development. 

Try it today

A platform your talents actually use

"At rpc, we're using Retorio to run AI-powered training programs for large enterprise clients. It enables us to up-skill top talent sustainably, globally, and at lower costs through on-demand training scenarios with immediate and personalized feedback."

Group 32869
Christoph KunzFounding Partner and President at rpc

“With Retorio we identified behaviors & traits that drive success in our sales team. This enabled us to hire salespeople from adjacent industries to much lower labor costs thanks to Retorio”

Group 32780
Mark GrayHead of Hiring at Invisible Technologies

“We use Retorio to analyze our customer support candidates across all HAPPYCAR countries. It helps us save up to 78% of the screening effort and we can get in touch with the best candidates faster than our competitors.”

Group 32774-1
Dr. Christian TheurerCOO at Happycar

“At Kafué, we use Retorio to hire for CIO positions. The in-depth insights helped us to detect non-fitting candidates with high accuracy.”

Group 32777
Tim CookPartner at Kafué


We’re committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process. We provide a GDPR-compliant and consistent approach to our data protection and only work with certified partners.

GDPR ISO Made in Germany-LOGOS Retorio


What is retorio?

Retorio is a video recruiter that fuses artificial intelligence and machine learning with scientific findings from psychology and organizational research. Even from short application videos Retorio reliably detects the communication behavior and important personality traits of the applicant. Talents can be recognized more effectively and reliably and compared with different job profiles.

What’s the science behind Retorio?

Retorio is a spin-off of Technical University of Munich, Germany. Retorio’s analysis is based on the universally accepted, advanced psychological model of personality traits, the Big 5 model. This model describes an individual’s personality in terms of 5 dimensions: (1) openness, (2) extraversion, (3) conscientiousness, (4) agreeableness, and (5) neuroticism. In a workplace context observer ratings have an incremental predictive validity over self-reporting. Accordingly, Retorio's AI is trained to analyze the Big 5 according to visible behavior rather than self-estimations. In other words, Retorio does not measure how persons think they are, it measures how they come across in terms of their personality.

What problem does Retorio solve?

HR processes (such as hiring) involve important decisions that are strongly influenced by subconscious factors. The great importance of gut feelings on the part of decision-makers often leads to biases and unequal treatment. Overworked HR departments often have little time to screen CVs or to prepare for and follow up on their interviews and have to rely on their intuition in their accelerated workday. Accordingly, it is inevitable that many applicants merely can upload a CV and will not get a fair chance to make a personal impression. With Retorio, all candidates have a chance to present themselves and to show their personality on video. Retorio's AI ensures fair treatment and removes biases from the recruitment process.

How does Retorio prevent bias?

We ensure that Retorio does not discriminate against people based on their ethnicity, age, gender, religion or culture. We do so by checking the estimates in our datasets for possible systematic biases (e.g., discrimination). "Algorithm-based differentiations become discriminations in particular if they constitute an unjustified disadvantage of persons characterized by protected characteristics (in particular age, gender, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability)" (Source: German Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency) Retorio ensures that only factors that are within the applicant's control are included in the results. We regularly test our models against large, scientifically sound datasets, such as UCLA's Fairface dataset, which contains approximately 100,000 individuals from different cultures, age groups, etc. Our results show that Retorio assesses applicants regardless of their skin color, gender, or age. We publish our results transparently and work with leading research institutions to validate our findings.

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