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10 Essential Soft Skills to Succeed in Customer Service

Written by Briah Handa-Oakley | 06.02.2023

As customer expectations rise at a time when we are facing talent shortages and major skill shifts, it is essential that organizations enhance and expand learning and development (L&D) initiatives to keep up with customer care demands.

And this starts with fine-tuning the social and emotional abilities machines cannot master.

Soft skills are the backbone of any customer service role. In fact, the proportion of companies addressing empathy and interpersonal skills has doubled in 2020. 

So what soft skills exactly are the most important for customer success employees? And how can representatives train these vital skills?


What’s in this post?

  1. What are soft skills? 
  2. Why are soft skills so crucial for customer service?
  3. What are the 10 most crucial soft skills in a customer service role?
  4. How can customer service reps train their soft skills?

What are soft skills? 

First, let’s cover the basics - what is the difference between hard and soft skills? What are some examples of each?

Hard skills are those quantifiable skills usually gained through formal education, experience, or training. Some examples of hard skills are:

  • computer programming
  • creative writing
  • proficiency in a foreign language
  • video production
  • photoshop

On the other hand, soft skills are those interpersonal skills that are harder to quantify, those social competencies and skills that you develop over time. Some examples of soft skills include:

  • negotiating
  • teamwork
  • leadership skills
  • problem-solving
  • time management 


Why are soft skills so crucial for customer service?

Soft skills are crucial in customer service because they directly impact the customer's experience. Good communication, active listening, empathy, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills allow customer service representatives to effectively understand the customer's needs and provide a positive solution. When customer-facing employees master their soft skills, their customers are more likely to feel heard and satisfied with the service they received, leading to increased customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.


What are the 10 most important soft skills in a customer service role?

So, what exactly are the 10 most important soft skills in a customer service role? 

1. Active listening

“Man’s inability to communicate is a result of his failure to listen effectively.”—Carl Rogers, pioneer of the humanistic school of psychology.

Listening is often confused with hearing, which's a casual and passive state. However listening goes beyond that. It involves engaging the mind being conscious and making decisions. Listening is a skill that can be learned practiced and enhanced.

In customer service there are things crucial, as effective listening. By listening customer service professionals can truly grasp the needs, concerns and expectations of the customers. This understanding plays a role in providing solutions. Actively listening demonstrates to the customers that their voices are heard and understood. This helps establish trust and rapport, with them making them feel valued and respected.

2. Communication skills

Communication skills are critical in customer service, there is no doubt about that.

But it's also a skill that requires a lot more improvement, also among leaders and managers. In fact, research from Ketchum Communications finds only 31% of employees believe their leaders communicate effectively.

Having communication abilities enables customer service representatives to effectively engage with customers and offer resolutions to their requirements. This entails not speaking and succinctly but also actively listening to the customer seeking clarification through thoughtful questioning and delivering feedback in a manner that is easily understandable, for the customer.

Moreover clear and effective communication aids, in avoiding misunderstandings, which can ultimately save time and enhance the efficiency of the customer service procedure.

3. Empathy

Empathy is, about being able to sense and understand the emotions of others empathize with their perspective and imagine what they might be thinking or feeling. When customer service representatives possess a sense of empathy they can create a connection, with customers, which ultimately builds trust.

According to research by the Harvard Business Review, "The top 10 companies in the Global Empathy Index 2015, increased in value more than twice as much as the bottom 10 and generated 50% more earnings."

4. Patience

Customer service patience encompasses the capacity to stay composed, empathetic and professional when faced with stress or challenging circumstances. It entails listening to customers concerns seeking clarification where necessary and offering solutions without succumbing to frustration, anger or indifference.

It is not uncommon for customers to experience frustration, distress or bewilderment. Hence it becomes crucial, for customer service representatives to maintain their composure and professionalism in order to effectively address and resolve the situation.

5. Flexibility

The past few years have given us a lesson, on the significance of being flexible and adaptable.. It appears that its importance will continue to grow.

When it comes to customer service staff flexibility plays a role as it enables them to adjust to evolving circumstances and offer solutions that meet customer requirements. Customer service representatives often encounter challenges. Possessing the skill to think innovatively and tackle problems, from various perspectives can result in more favorable outcomes.

6. Positive attitude

Maintaining an attitude, in customer service is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction, which ultimately leads to the success of the company.

We all have memories of being served by a friendly waitress at a restaurant as it significantly enhances our overall dining experience.

Likewise we can probably recall instances where an unfriendly waitress negatively impacted our evening out. When customer service representatives exhibit an attitude it has the potential to spread and create a positive impact, on customers.

7. Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution skills encompass the ability to effectively handle and resolve conflicts or disagreements in a respectful manner. Based on research conducted by McKinsey there are five techniques that play a role, in conflict resolution and problem solving;

1. Enhancing communication; By improving both the frequency and quality of interactions with the party involved you can prevent misunderstandings. Foster an environment of trust.

2. Adopting perspectives; Being open to understanding the viewpoint of your counterpart requires interest in their desires, concerns and rationale. This approach helps eliminate biases and enables you to anticipate their actions.

3. Avoiding escalations; The tendency to react with anger can complicate matters escalating conflicts further and increasing the chances of engaging in a cycle of retaliation—a clear indication of an unsuccessful agreement.

4. Addressing issues promptly; When it comes to topics or questions for either party addressing them sooner rather than later can prevent the other party from feeling cornered or manipulated into a predetermined position.

5. Taking breaks when necessary; Pausing during moments provides an opportunity, for reflection allowing individuals to reassess their experiences adopt behaviors and practice them effectively.

8. Continuous learning mindset 

The business world is constantly. Its crucial, for customer service professionals like employees in other positions to continuously learn in order to stay valuable and sought after. To remain effective in their role customer service representatives must stay up, to date with the advancements and trends constantly enhance their skills and maintain a level of confidence and motivation.

9. Time management 

Effective time management is crucial, for success, in roles, including customer service. When customer support employees manage their time well they can promptly address customer inquiries and concerns resulting in increased customer satisfaction.

10. Negotiation skills

In customer service having negotiation skills means being able to communicate and find solutions that benefit both the customer and the company. It becomes especially important when dealing with customer complaints, diffusing situations and ultimately making customers happier, with their experience.

How can customer service reps train their soft skills? 

Now that we have discussed the importance of skills, for customer service representatives and identified the soft skills required for employees to excel the next query arises; How can one effectively develop these essential skills?

A major logistics company has opted for an AI Coaching platform to provide, on-demand training to its employees worldwide regardless of their location.


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