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The black hole of coaching ROI –
and how to prove impact.

In times of tight budgets, L&D & sales enablement departments are the first on the chopping block. We tell you why and, more importantly, how to stop it. Now.

Retorio-The blackhole of coaching ROI - and how to change it e book cover
Retorio-The blackhole of coaching ROI - and how to change it e book cover

Executive Summary

Enablement and the black hole of coaching ROI

"We need to foster a culture of lifelong learning" That’s what organizations say. But when it comes to budgets, it becomes clear that this is just lip service. In times of crisis, enablement budgets are usually the first to be cut: 26% of all larger companies report a budget cut in the last year – and this number is likely to increase this year.1

It's no secret why enablement budgets are often considered expendable: the value of training & coaching efforts are difficult to prove: engagement reports and self-reports just aren't enough. L&D and enablement managers know this, but what can they do? 

Not to keep you in suspense: quite a lot.

Our guide gives an introduction to the most important steps in organizing coaching for a company. It talks about challenges and problems and gives a solution to the most burning problem of how to verify the impact of coaching, and how to prove it exactly to the decimal place inside your company. 

Yes, you can make coaching measurable, impactful, and scalable.
Yes, you can link coaching to business metrics.
Yes, you can do more with less budget.

Download the guide and find out how!

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